Carlos Ring

tax credit


Articles in this category:

Tax Incentives for Historic Preservation Sun, Aug 01, 2010 Tax Incentives for Historic Preservation Tax incentives, including credits, deductions, and easements, are available for historic preservation, but the rules can be complicated. Read Visit for more articles like this.... Read More

Tax Credits for Installing Solar Panels Wed, Jul 28, 2010 Tax Credits for Installing Solar Panels A generous federal tax credit makes solar panels more attractive to the average homeowner, especially if electric bills are sky high. Read Visit for more articles like this. Co... Read More

Energy Tax Credits: Beware False Promises Sat, Jul 24, 2010 Energy Tax Credits: Beware False Promises Not all home improvements qualify for federal energy tax credits, no matter how compelling a sales pitch sounds. Read Visit for more articles like this. Copyright 2010 NATION... Read More

States Offer Cash Rebates for Clunker Appliances Tue, Jul 20, 2010 States Offer Cash Rebates for Clunker Appliances Buying a new Energy Star appliance can lower your utility bills and perhaps even earn a cash rebate from your state. Read Visit for more articles like this. Copyright ... Read More

Tax Credits for Storm Windows and Storm Doors Fri, Jul 16, 2010 Tax Credits for Storm Windows and Storm Doors Storm windows and storm doors are eligible for tax credits, and offer an economical alternative to replacement windows and doors for your home. Read Visit for more article... Read More

Tax Credits for Residential Fuel Cells Tue, Jul 13, 2010 Tax Credits for Residential Fuel Cells While residential fuel cells are as expensive as they are energy efficient, a federal tax credit could entice more homeowners to give the green technology a try. Read Visit for m... Read More

Tax Tips for Homeowners Preparing 2009 Returns Sat, Jul 10, 2010 Tax Tips for Homeowners Preparing 2009 Returns Follow these tax tips for homeowners to ensure that you receive all of the tax deductions and tax credits to which you’re entitled. Read Visit for more articles lik... Read More

Tax Tips for Homeowners Looking Ahead to 2010 Returns Wed, Jul 07, 2010 Tax Tips for Homeowners Looking Ahead to 2010 Returns From energy tax credits to vacation home deductions, check out these tax tips for homeowners looking ahead to 2010 returns. Read   Visit for more articles like... Read More